the critics said about Two Gentlemen
of Verona:
Time Out
Shakespearean delicacy"
Kentish Times
utterly fabulous, utterly hysterical, totally feelgood production of Two
Gentlemen of Verona"
queer finale"
Time Out, London

Not About Heroes is now cast. Our next production in the casting stage is...
To WH by Stuart Draper
Original Music by Martin Thisleton
Directed by Anton Krause
Dates: May 2006, rehearsing April 2006
Venue: TBC
Melmoth Productions is casting for its upcoming production of To WH. Directed by Anton Krause and written by Melmoth's artistic director, Stuart Draper, the play covers the period of Shakespeare's meeting with 'WH' to his death in Stratford.
We are looking for a black actress with superb singing skills to play the part of the Dark Lady. A black Venetian Jew, Mrs Bassano is a courtly manipulator, using both Shakespeare and Willie Herbert (WH) to further her ends at court.
The parts of Shakespeare and Willie Herbert (WH) have already been cast.
This is a profit share production.
About the play:
Romeo loved Juliet. Anthony loved Cleopatra. Shakespeare loved Willie.
William Shakespeare (actor, director, playwright, poet, genius) has booked a theatre venue to finally come clean about the mysterious WH of the sonnets. He hasn't banked on the fact that WH, keen for a piece of the limelight finally, has also turned up, eager to tell his side of the story.
Will's got the whole evening mapped out: a few readings from the sonnets, some extracts from his most famous plays, and a nice and cosy question and answer session. Couldn¹t be easier.
WH, however, is intent on 'outing' Shakespeare as a lazy, drunk, arrogant sofa fucker.
To make matters more complicated, The Dark Lady of the Sonnets is also present.
Hysterically funny, and incredibly moving, To WH takes the audience through Shakespeare's life, from his first ill-fated moving with WH, to his death in Stratford. Punctuated by blues-style renditions of the sonnets from the Dark Lady herself, To WH finally bangs the nail into the coffin of Shakespeare's heterosexuality.
"I have spent my entire life howling at a paper moon."
